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Released on 15/07/2024

  • Fixed an issue where the signup, signin and newsletter pages didn't redirect to the home page after authenticating the user
  • Fixed an issue where the close button in announcement bar had a wrong position
  • Fixed an issue where there was no space between featured post cards when they were together
  • Caption text in content cards is now centered
  • Updated Docker image (development only)
New files:

+ .github/workflows/deploy-theme.yml
+ src/.env.example
+ src/.gitignore
+ src/deploy/index.js

Modified files:

* members/newsletter.hbs
* members/signin.hbs
* members/signup.hbs
* package.json
* src/docker-compose.yml
* src/package-lock.json
* src/package.json
* src/sass/components/general/_post-card.scss
* src/sass/components/header/_announcement-bar.scss
* src/sass/components/post/_post-content.scss


Released on 15/04/2024

  • Fixed an issue with size of auth image where image had a portrait aspect ratio
  • Fixed an issue with figcaption in gallery card where font size was too big
  • Fixed an issue with signup cards on mobile devices where vertical padding was too small when the card was the first element in the page
  • Added max-width to signup cards content using split layout
Modified files:

* package.json
* src/sass/components/auth/_auth.scss
* src/sass/components/post/_post-content.scss


  • First release 🎉

Designed and developed with ❤️ by Eduardo Gómez